Welcome to my blog. There’s no rhyme or reason to my posts. I write about whatever the spirit moves me to. Reviews, essays, opinion pieces, you name it. It’s all part of my writing practice.
For my birthday present last year, my daughter gave me a weekend away at a hotel in my own town. It felt a little funny packing a suitcase and driving across town to spend the night, but her thought was that I could have uninterrupted writing time—a little mini-writer’s retreat […]
A few years ago, I attended a reading by novelist Percival Everett. He read from one of his published novels, then he read a bit from his current work in progress. Afterward, I commented to him that his draft seemed very clean. He said, “It’s the result of being a […]
I finally cleared my schedule enough so I have several hours a week available to write. Several hours of uninterrupted writing time. Ah, bliss! Nirvana. All those writing projects I’ve been putting off now seem possible. I can finally finish the novel I’ve been working on for months. So what […]